“We cannot become experts at what we do, until we become experts at who we are.”
Dr. Sandy Geyer

Welcome to EnQPractice
I am Sandy Geyer, I founded EnQPractice in 2012 and worked in the fields of entrepreneurial, student and academic leadership in both New Zealand and South Africa for over 12 years. I have a doctorate of professional practice (DPP) in the preparation of future leaders.
Currently my research focuses on the design and implementation of online courses called Leadership Literacy for Life. As a secondary school leadership development programme, these assist and support both students and teachers to navigate leadership roles within traditional school structures, in an affordable and accessible manner.

The content creates a personal leadership identity for each student, alongside their adolescent identity development. The content also offers key foundational learning and preparation for all future leadership roles that students may experience within in their careers and their community.
I always welcome your feedback and thoughts and you are welcome to email me directly with these at info@enqpractice.com
Dr. Sandy Geyer
Please click on the links below to learn all about what we do, and how we can help you in your leadership role as a student leader or future leader.
The EnQ in EnQPractice stands for Entrepreneurial Intelligence. This is a “focus and awareness” intelligence that differs to IQ (Intelligence Quotient) and can be learned, grown, and practiced. EnQ also differs to EQ (Emotional Intelligence) and is specifically linked to the sequence of business building for an entrepreneur, from the inside out.
Leadership Literacy for Life Online Courses

Resilience, focus, leadership, collaboration, and navigation – all key competencies related to successful entrepreneurship can be developed through the process of building EnQ. The Leadership Literacy for Life courses lay the foundational skills for EnQ. EnQ refers to a self-awareness and self-leadership intelligence vital to everyone, not only entrepreneurs. Strong skills form a solid base and play a role in developing highly effective leaders.
We offer the following three options to develop these skills:

LL4L Leadership Fundamentals
The LL4L Leadership Fundamentals Course for first year high school students.

LL4L Leadership in Action
This is a facilitator-led course to prepare students for their year ahead as leaders.

LL4L Leadership Mastery
The LL4L Leadership Mastery Course for second last year of high school students.
Path of the Lion
Path of the Lion is a dynamic, entrepreneurial leadership development program, designed to elevate Entrepreneurial Intelligence (EnQ).
We offer the following three options to develop these skills:

Path of the Lion Book
The Path of the Lion book equips business leaders with the essential mindset and skills for entrepreneurial success. Sandy Geyer draws from her own journey as an entrepreneur to create an engaging and impactful training process for developing your EnQ.

Path of the Lion Book Resources
Have you purchased and read The Path of the Lion book, but you would like to have online access to the assessments and resources available in the online course? Then this is where you can buy access to those resources only.

Path of the Lion Online Course
Take your learning to the next level with the POL Online Course. Based on the principles of the Path of the Lion book, this course offers practical tools and strategies to develop your EnQ and become a more emotionally intelligent leader.
Communication Styles

We each have a primary and secondary communication style that we use to interact with others. There are four communication styles, namely, Pioneer, Excellence, Insight, and Inspiration. Our courses are designed around these communication styles and will provide you with more information about your own primary style and how to use it to interact with and lead or influence others.
Would you like to know what your communication style is?
Click on the link below to complete the free Communication Style Assessment.
Would you like to start your journey to becoming an expert at who you are?
We have prepared a free sample module to introduce you to the Learning Literacy for Life courses, as well as to give you an idea of what our courses look like and how they work.
Click on the module below to get started.
Don’t just take our word for it …
See what students have to say about their experiences of: self-awareness, self-leadership, leadership through conflict, and the positive influence of others.

From Sandy's Desk
We are delighted to extend an invitation from EnQPractice and Allcopy Publishers for you to subscribe to our well-regarded series of leadership articles tailored specifically for schoolteachers and educators, aptly named “From Sandy’s Desk.”
These insightful articles are thoughtfully published approximately four times a year to provide valuable insights and strategies for enhancing leadership for your students in an educational setting.

What Gets into Our Students That Causes Them to Bully Others?
By Dr. Sandy Geyer, founder of EnQPractice, developer of the LL4L online courses in emotional development of young future leaders. The short answer is that nothing “gets in” to our

Empowering our Future Leaders with Contextual and Cultural Intelligence
Figure 1 (Authors own): A representation of how self-identity, cultural identity and personal leadership identity can combine to create contextual intelligence and empower inclusive and adaptive leadership in our future

Moving Seeding Leadership Theory to Seeding Leadership Practice through Collaboration with our Educators
Overview of recent events content nuggets and webinar support series invitation. In collaboration with 5 schools, we recently ran 5 leadership events throughout South Africa. For each event a host
Get in Touch
I always welcome your feedback and thoughts.
CLICK HERE to receive the latest published leadership articles from Sandy’s desk.