Frequently Asked Questions
The only payment option is through our secure online payment gateway, facilitated by Stripe. All recognised financial payment providers are accepted e.g. MasterCard, VISA, etc.
Full courses
- LL4L Leadership Fundamentals
- LL4L Leadership Mastery
Individual modules
- The Ladder of Inference
- The Four Communication Styles
- Core Values, Trigger Points and Personal Filters
- Creating Action Plans, Positive Habits and Teenage Brain Development
- Goal Setting, Affirmations and Visualisations
- Developing a Growth Mindset
- Defining Conflict, The Communication Style Responses and Our Perceptual Positions
- In the Products tab, click on <LL4L Courses> and navigate to the course you want to buy
- Navigate to the course you are interested ion and click on <Enrol for this module>
- Click the <Enrol> button for the applicable course
- Click <Go to Course> for access
- If you already have login credentials you can login, otherwise click the <Create Account> button, enter your details and <Start your learning journey>
- Enter your card details to make payment and click on <Buy>
- Once the payment is confirmed you will be navigated to the course
Full courses
- LL4L Leadership Fundamentals
LL4L Leadership Mastery - LL4L Leadership in Action
Individual modules
- The Ladder of Inference
- The Four Communication Styles
- Core Values, Trigger Points and Personal Filters
- Creating Action Plans, Positive Habits and Teenage Brain Development
- Goal Setting, Affirmations and Visualisations
- Developing a Growth Mindset
- Defining Conflict, The Communication Style Responses and Our Perceptual Positions
The Teacher’s Guide will provide the exact details, with screenshots, of how to log into the course. To register them on the site and send these logs in details we will require a list of the students first names and surnames. We have recently changed our platform to one called LearnWorlds and have moved our Grade 8 course to that platform too. There is a short video overview of this log in process here too. Please click here to view a short video presentation (2,5 minutes) including screens of the registration and log in process to Leadership Literacy for Life on the Know-how platform: https://youtu.be/rdfN0V_Xmv0
Yes, the course for grade 8 can be adjusted. The actual content is fine as it has already been run by Sandy with various “middle school” groups in NZ that are of this age group. The videos, however, refer to first year high school, but if it could be explained to the students that this applies to them too, they will still get the benefit of the foundational leadership learning regardless. It would be helpful to know if you would like to run this course with the full year group or just those elected to student leader positions?
Yes, each student can complete the course, individually in their own time or during suitable and allocated school sessions. The modules are designed to be completed sequentially and each student can complete one or more per sitting as they choose. We will provide a Teacher’s Guide for the course to assist teachers to support the students. Included in the teacher’s guide is a recommended guide for a breakdown of the online time for each module so they don’t experience content overload.
The quiz questions are designed to challenge the course takers. The course was put through some rigorous testing with students before if was released and the wording is not an oversight. Whilst the wording at times seems odd, this is often matching up to the exact working or phrasing used in the videos. The questions are also designed to encourage the students to think something through for themselves and then reason why they do not agree with answers. Many learners so this and that’s a very positive thing to see in a leadership candidate. If this is the case, you might question the 80% pass mark, but there is space for a difference in opinion in the 20%. This space cannot be used for not knowing the answer because a video was skipped, however, or not watched with careful attention.
In the introduction to the communication styles, there is a video that explains the style’s divisions, how far back they go and that they are not provided with any attempt to place any participating student in a box. It is also explained that there are no good or bad styles, they are all just different in certain ways, and that we are all a blend of styles. Under pressure though, our primary style is most likely to come out, and knowing what that style is, is very valuable as a leader.
A key leadership skill is to adapt to the styles not like our own to gain trust and have a positive influence. As an example, over the many years I facilitated this workshop, I would right at the end of a four hour face-to-face workshop, ask the students to identify my primary and secondary style. Almost always, they would guess Excellence and Insight, as I came across as well-organised and caring. My primary style is Pioneer and it’s one of the highest I have seen. I have very little Excellence or Insight and some Inspiration. What they are seeing is me adapting to their styles to lead them through a valuable learning experience, with a lot of support from my staff, to make sure I am well organised.
The assessment is designed to tell the student what the student tells it, and students are encouraged to go with their gut feel. There is a tendency to put down what one wants to be, at times, when there is a role application that goes with the assessment. This is human nature and completely understandable. However, it’s hard to keep a pattern going and then the results do not seem accurate. Once can also feel forced to rank four things they don’t feel they have, but that’s the design of ranking because of those four things, the most and least like us still reflects something of value.
My advice is to back to the assessment and relook at the answers, they can be downloaded, and see if you identify where you might have gone with something you want to be in place of are. In my face-to-face workshops, students could change style groups at any time. In a group, there is usually one or two that start off unsure, but they settled by the end as a good mix of two or more, unusually, three.
It is important for the students to understand that self-awareness and self-leadership are growth zones, they are not meant to be comfortable and any discomfort they feel is something valuable that they can explore. This awareness provides them with tools to lead themselves and others, they can use them as you see fit. At no time in this course do we mean to make any student feel forced to fit in a box, and I do stress this through the videos.
Our reports will be able to show you who has completed each section of the course and the full course by the end. The course is broken down into the sections (circles) of self – awareness, self – leadership, leadership of others through conflict and the positive influence of others. At the end of each circle there is a content quiz, and the answers are recorded. You will be able to see how each student scored on these quizzes too. In line with e-learning best practice, each student needs to score 80% on each quiz before they can proceed with the next module. They are given three attempts to do this and if they still cannot achieve the 80% then they are directed back to the start of the quiz to engage with the learning content again.
The online sections of this course will take approximately 180 minutes to complete for slow-paced learners/students and 150 minutes for fast-paced learners/students. The whole course, including the pre-and-post course surveys should take around 180 minutes. The time allocation is merely an estimate to the online completion time as some learners/students may take longer than others.
The online sections of this course will take approximately 270 minutes to complete for slow-paced learners/students and 240 minutes for fast-paced learners/students. The whole course, including the pre-and-post course surveys should take around 300 minutes. The time allocation is merely an estimate to the online completion time as some learners/students may take longer than others. This time does not include discussion time. In essence each module is a lesson – so there is time for the learners/students to complete the online component and then time for group discussion afterwards, should you choose to do so. If a learner/student is absent from class, they can access and complete the module they missed at any time before the next lesson.
Three hours excluding a 20-minute break.
Yes, we link up a number of key concepts to get to the endpoint which is to prepare everyone for future leadership roles.
We have taken the privacy rights of the students into account in the following ways,
1) We do not ask for the students email addresses or any other contact information for them from the school at any time, therefore there are no POPI infringements on the part of the school that we are aware of. We do ask for their first and surnames to register them to the LMS site and create a log in for each user. They are also welcome to give “preferred” or nicknames if the school knows who the names belong to when asking for back-end reports and/or certificates.
2) We provide you with letters for both parents and the students (examples attached) which informs them of the nature and benefit of the course before they agree to take it. Each school works differently but you can take this a step further and ask for permission from those letters if you would like to. You are also welcome to add any information you would like to these information letters as they are intended as templates.
3) When the student accesses the course log in – they are asked to answer 4 questions pertaining to their privacy and wellness. These are detailed in the attached teachers guide at the top of page 14. Should they not agree to any of these questions they are not permitted to enter the course.
This will be related to your internet/Wi-Fi strength. The course is designed to accommodate multiple users of up to 100, but it’s a good idea to check and Wi-Fi signal strength by typing fast.com into the browser. A speed of at least 40 Mbps is recommended. Typing “fast.com” into your URL will give you are reading on your Wi-Fi speed.
If you press the back button and get lost in the course, you can refresh the page and go the menu on the left to pick up from where you left off.
The course does have a tracking system fitted, so should you pause the course to continue at another time, it will open and start where you last left off.
In South Africa, you can contact Anita Hanekom on email at anita@allcopypublishers.co.za or call 061 896 7232
In New Zealand, you can contact Sandy Geyer on email Sandy@enqpractice.com or call (+64) 021 857 743
Yes, you will be able to download and print a course completion certificate once you have successfully completed a course.
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I always welcome your feedback and thoughts.
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