What Gets into Our Students That Causes Them to Bully Others?

What Gets into Our Students That Causes Them to Bully Others?

By Dr. Sandy Geyer, founder of EnQPractice, developer of the LL4L online courses in emotional development of young future leaders. The short answer is that nothing “gets in” to our students to cause them to bully others. Students who engage in bullying behaviors are driven by internal and unconscious biases that begin, for all of…

Empowering our Future Leaders with Contextual and Cultural Intelligence

Empowering our Future Leaders with Contextual and Cultural Intelligence

Figure 1 (Authors own): A representation of how self-identity, cultural identity and personal leadership identity can combine to create contextual intelligence and empower inclusive and adaptive leadership in our future leaders. Empowering our Future Leaders with Contextual and Cultural Intelligence. When we talk about nurturing the leaders of tomorrow, culture is a crucial factor to…

Moving Seeding Leadership Theory to Seeding Leadership Practice through Collaboration with our Educators

Moving Seeding Leadership Theory to Seeding Leadership Practice through Collaboration with our Educators

Overview of recent events content nuggets and webinar support series invitation. In collaboration with 5 schools, we recently ran 5 leadership events throughout South Africa. For each event a host school worked with us and opened their doors to surrounding schools and in total we reached 28 schools. Our approach was to create immediate value…

Transforming Student Leadership: From Outdated Ideologies to Future-Ready Practices

Transforming Student Leadership: From Outdated Ideologies to Future-Ready Practices

In today’s educational landscape, the question of how schools cultivate leadership skills among students is more important than ever. Drawing from a wide range of perspectives and research insights, this article explores the crucial role schools play in preparing our leaders of tomorrow. By examining existing literature and personal experiences, my aim is to discuss…

The Value of Personal Communication Styles Awareness for Students Through Their High School Education.

The Value of Personal Communication Styles Awareness for Students Through Their High School Education.

  Through their high school years, students become more aware that they have a unique personality which they become more and more in touch with as their self-identity develops. Academic research into the development of personalities tells us that as adolescents move more towards an adult like personality profile, there is an expectation that neuroticism…

Recognising our future Leaders

Recognising our future Leaders

The relationship between self-awareness and the development of leadership traits within students. At school level there are students who openly display “natural” leadership traits. These students are confident, charismatic, willing to follow rules and not afraid to speak out. Whilst “easy to see” traits can assist schools to select good leaders, the early stand out…

Leadership Literacy for Life Course (LL4L) launched for first year high school students

Leadership Literacy for Life Course (LL4L) launched for first year high school students

Leadership Literacy for Life (LL4L) has been designed to better prepare our future leaders. This leadership preparation course is the result of a recent doctoral research study conducted in New Zealand and South Africa which aimed to address the leadership crisis prevalent in demanding leadership roles such as enterprise and entrepreneurial leadership. The question that the research question…

Who is going to teach Generation Z and Generation Alpha to be leaders?

Who is going to teach Generation Z and Generation Alpha to be leaders?

My husband attended an education-themed conference in Auckland last week (January 2019).  He teaches sales and marketing part time at a tertiary college. He came home enthusing about a vibrant young speaker on the topic of Generation Z – which despite his vocation was a new term to him. Generation Z refers to those who…

Emotional Fragility in Students – Does it Increase during their Secondary/High school years?

Emotional Fragility in Students – Does it Increase during their Secondary/High school years?

As the founder and facilitator of the EnQPractice Circles of Empowerment EQ workshops, I work with groups of student leaders at both primary/ middle school (12/13-year-olds) and high school (17/18-year-olds) level. I have noticed a trend presenting itself quite differently in the progression from the younger to the older age group over the past few years, which…